I met with Monte and Kelly back in the summer to capture some promotional images for their thriving businesses (Gardenstone, Cascading Creations and the Spokane Grapevine) and I was thrilled when Kelly contacted me about another session, this time to include their three youngest children. Time flies when I am photographing this couple - despite the frigid conditions (no really, we had a mandatory hot chocolate break) the kids were troupers and we all had fun ... and hopefully the next time we have a session, there will be no ice cold rain and I will be bringing lemonade instead;). As always, K&M, it was great to work with you...here is your sneak peek...enjoy!
Yahoo... I love what I see so far... The B&W with the red balloons is totally awesome. And, I really love the one of Lucy holding the balloon in her mouth, way to cute... Thank You Angela...
Yahoo... I love what I see so far... The B&W with the red balloons is totally awesome. And, I really love the one of Lucy holding the balloon in her mouth, way to cute... Thank You Angela...